We connect the visitor industry to forces for good

Love Queenstown is a giving platform that invites visitors and the tourism industry to protect this place, now and for generations to come.

We’re taking action to make sure this place thrives for generations to come

Our vision

Our aspiration is for the visitor industry to enrich this place and the lives of the local community, now and into the future. To create mutual value for whānau / whānui (our families, communities, and visitors), our whenua (our place and natural resources) and our economy.

Couple hiking Earnslaw BurnGroup photo of volunteers involved in the tourism industry planting dayHands planting a tree
An Icon of a handshake in the form of a love heart


We recognise both the privilege and the responsibility of living in and being stewards of such a treasured place.

An icon representing a group of people


We are inclusive, respectful and appreciative of change. We bring people together, united behind a shared vision for the future of our home.

Lightbulb Icon


We aim to inspire change and support our local businesses and communities to join the mission.

A Handshake Icon representing transparency


We are open, honest and transparent, standing by our claims and acting with integrity at all times.

Our Impact

Raise funds and awareness for local environmental action

We raise and distribute funds to those leading the protection and regeneration of Queenstown’s stunning natural environment. 100% of our funding in allocated within Queenstown, giving life to those making a difference in our rohe (region)

Educate and inspiring our visitors

We connect our visitors to projects of value within our region, providing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our visitors to give back and ensure this place thrives now and into the future

An icon representing a group of people

Create a culture of giving within our visitor industry

Love QT provides an opportunity for our industry to come together and leave an impact we can be proud of.

Tree planting at Lake hayes nurseryOverlooking Queenstown from Queenstown hill walkOverhead shot of many seedlings

Who's Involved

Love Queenstown is backed by a group of passionate organisations and individuals. Read on to find out more.

Portrait shot of Ash Bickley
Ash Bickley
Community Fund Co-ordinator

A long term and passionate member of the Queenstown Lakes community, Ash is using her skills and knowledge to focus on the protection and regeneration of Wānaka and Queenstown’s exceptional natural environment through the support of community-led initiatives.

Portrait shot of Fiona Mcphee
Fiona McPhee

We’re so fortunate that Fi calls the Queenstown Lakes home and brings such a depth of knowledge and passion with her. With over 20 years working across fundraising, organisational culture and strategic planning, Fi’s expertise in the non-profit space is unparalleled. Fi is an FIA Fellow, a FINZ Fellow and is a member of the FINZ Ethics Committee.

Portrait shot of Katie Hart
Katie Hart

Katie has over two decades of industry experience, with key roles in the strategic development and growth of many high-profile charities, including The Fred Hollows Foundation and Amnesty International. Katie currently works for Orange Sky New Zealand, and is helping to build a sustainable future right here in Wānaka as a trustee and key supporter of WAI.

Destination Southern Lakes

Love Queenstown will be guided by Destination Southern Lakes (DSL) a partnership organisation formed in 2023 by Destination Queenstown and Lake Wānaka Tourism to drive forward our region’s regenerative tourism plan, Travel To A Thriving Future.The governance group of DSL consists of executives from partnership organisations and independent thinkers. Their role is to provide oversight and to ensure that the activities stemming from Travel To A Thriving Future respect the boundaries and needs of the natural world and local residents.

Wakatipu Community Foundation

Love Queenstown and Love Wānaka (our joint initiative over the hill) are delivered in partnership with the Wakatipu Community Foundation – a donor driven charitable trust that supports localised philanthropy in our region. The Foundation was integral to the development of  and Love Queenstown and Love Wānaka, and continues to support these in an advisory, audit and compliance capacity.

A portion of all funds raised are invested into an endowment fund with support from the Community Foundation – ensuring Love Queenstown creates long-term, substantial funding opportunities into the future. The interest earned on this fund will be available for discretionary disbursement each year (as part of the general funding round), whilst the capital remains intact. This annual gifting continues in perpetuity - it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Wakatipu Community Foundation is a registered charity in New Zealand (CC55258).

Distribution Committee

The independent distribution committee is tasked with setting the overall distribution strategy, reviewing grant applications, and allocating funds to the organisations and initiatives who are best-placed to provide impact, where it’s needed most. This committee consists of local experts in both the grant-making and sustainability / environmental space.

The 2024 Committee consists of: Calum Macleod, Fiona McPhee, Julie Perry, Megan Williams and David Butt, and is supported by the Wakatipu Community Foundation.

Faq section

Frequently asked questions

Who is behind Love Queenstown?

Love Queenstown is a non-profit initiative managed by Destination Southern Lakes – a collaboration between Destination Queenstown and Lake Wānaka Tourism. Love Queenstown and Love Wānaka (our partner initiative over the hill) are delivered in partnership with the Wakatipu Community Foundation – a donor driven charitable trust that supports localised philanthropy right here in our region.

What does Love Queenstown fund?

Love Queenstown funds climate, conservation and biodiversity action exclusively within the Queenstown-Lakes region (bordered by the Cardrona Saddle in the North and Kingston in the South, and including the towns of Glenorchy, Arrowtown and Gibbston). Love Queenstown supports the organisations who are championing this work right here and now, as well as the innovators and the change-markers who are striving to meet the future needs of our region.

How does my donation get used?

Each year, Love Queenstown allocates funds to local organisations and initiatives who are working to benefit Queenstown’s environment, and support our region’s shift to a low carbon, regenerative future.

This is about funding an entire ecosystem to support our region’s regenerative, carbon-zero future and putting it in the hands of our local organisations and change-makers. We’re blessed with an array of local organisations who are out there doing the hard work and leading climate, conservation, and biodiversity work right here in Queenstown. We’re all about supporting their mission and the unique, localised solutions to the challenges – and opportunities – tourism brings to our region

What charities does my contribution go to?

Each year we allocate funds to local organisations who operate in the climate, conservation, and biodiversity space. Every dollar raised is spent exclusively within this region, so you know you’re making a difference to the place you love. Funding is available to charitable organisations and initiatives on a contestable basis, with annual grant rounds open each year. The first round of funding will be distributed late 2023

How can my business support Love Queenstown?

Love Queenstown makes it easy for businesses to give back and be part of the collective effort to protect and regenerate Queenstown’s environment. Become an Impact Partner, donate on a monthly basis, or make a contribution per product, ticket, or experience sold. Click through to the businesses page for more information, or reach out to the team to start the journey.

What's an endowment fund?

20% of all funds raised are invested in an endowment fund, enabling long-term, substantial funding opportunities that will benefit this place for generations to come. Funds are invested with support from the Wakatipu Charity Foundation.

How do I know my support will make a difference?

Love Queenstown is all about supporting a unique, local groups catering to the opportunities that high-volume visitation brings to our region. Funds raised are pooled for collective impact, so no matter how big or small your donation is, it has the capacity to protect this place in a meaningful way. 20% of all funds raised will also be allocated to an endowment fund, ensuring Love Queenstown creates impact now, and into the future.